A voyage through dreams that never seems to have an end sees its end in the very existence of materialistic world. The thoughts that we think of, the feelings, the emotions, the happiness, the sadness almost every bit of expression that our life holds is because of the way we think. The way we take things, decides what that emotion or that state is going to be for us. The situations that we face, the trauma that we go through, the moment that make us happy or sad are NOT the only decisive factors of how or what we would feel. Thinking is a process, an ongoing process that never ends. Whatever we see, whatever happens around us, whatever affects our day to day life also decides the way we would feel or the way that situations would affect us. Thinking is almost like creating an environment as per our thinking. Thinking and our reaction towards the situations are the two most important factors that are responsible for us being affected. Suppose something real bad happened around us and it affected us bad. Practically thinking it is not just the situation that affected us, our thinking and our reaction is equally responsible for us getting affected by whatever happened. The very first thing that comes to our mind is that why this happened and then what went wrong and then what would happen next and so on. So it is not just the situation, it is also our thinking responsible. Because instead of trying and being abit stable and thinking over the situation we tend to make it even more complex with over thinking, and generally with a negative outlook. So better we need to keep aside what has already happened and try and improve and be aware that whatever has happened should not get worst. Same goes with something positive situation. We need to be aware that we do not flow with the situation and forget that it can last for a few moments is it not taken care of. So instead of over thinking over something that has happened and making it even worst, we need to have a bit of control over our thoughts and take it in a proper direction where it could prove fruitful for us. Because our thoughts make us what we are not what our looks look like. We should not let our thoughts overpower us. Because once we are overcome by our thinking we do not have any control of anything that happens around. Nothing to say too much because we all have a peculiar thinking and that is what makes us different and also prone to the situations. Being calm and intelligent at times of hardship decides our upcoming moment after the situation has passed. I know it’s really hard to be calm and quiet when we are struck by a situation not in our favor but as it is said “We don’t know how strong are unless being strong is the only choice we have”. So it is our thinking that is the decisive factor in situation that we face that how the situation is going to affect us. And our brain never stops functioning and so does our thinking. We can never stop thinking. Thinking that we should not think about something is also THINKING. Have a Happy Thinking.
